What can be found at ZADIK?
As a specialized archive, ZADIK collects and preserves the archive holdings of galleries, art dealers and auction houses, associations, trade fairs, private exhibition institutions, collectors, curators, art critics and photographers. General information can be found in the collection profile. Under holdings you will find a list and further information about the archive holdings at ZADIK.
What are current projects?
In the third-party funded project "Hauswedell & Nolte", relevant data for provenance research (also on cultural objects from colonial contexts) from the catalogs, consignment books, records, and other documents on auctions 23 (1940) to 297 (1992) of Hauswedell & Nolte have been digitized, transcribed, and indexed since July 2019.
In October 2021, the digitization and indexing project for the document archive of ‘Stiftung Kunstfonds’ was launched. It is planned to work on about 250 files over a period of 24 months. The documents mainly originate from the 1980s and 1990s.